The Logo
Explanation of the symbolism
- The "H" in the logo is formed by two crosses, not quite touching in the center
- The cross on the left represents Jesus (which is why, though it’s subtle, there’s no grey shadow under and to the right of His cross, since He doesn’t cast a shadow — as He is the Light)
- HIS cross is “high and lifted up,” firmly grasping the top and left of the logo, which represents heaven
- The cross on the right represents me (or anyone else who would like to rent an email address)*
- “My” ("our" - humanity's) cross is planted on the ground, but also a part of the sky (on the right), signifying both our earthly state and our Spiritual nature
- The reason the two crosses don’t touch in the middle, is inspired by the visual of Michelangelo’s “Creation of Adam” painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Here is a link to the wikipedia article detailing the symbolism from Michelangelo’s fresco.
- The HISwork logo departs philosophically from Michelangelo’s, in that, in his painting God is represented on the right side of the image, whereas on mine, since God is pre-eminent, I placed His cross on the left.
- In Michelangelo’s painting, God’s hand appears a little lower than Adam’s, and His hand appears to be striving towards Adam’s, whereas Adam’s seems to be nonchalantly reaching in God’s general direction — God appears to be working harder to reach mankind than mankind appears. In the HISwork logo, the angle of the edge of “our” cross makes it seem like we are striving really hard (although I’ll be the first to admit we could be trying harder) to reach God.
- The grey shadow, and the word “WORK” on the logotype indicate that the work mankind does is “less than a vapor.” Even though the work I am engaged in, has as it’s ultimate goal, to glorify God in my work, the highest height of success in my endeavors pales compared with Gods, represented in the both the boldness of “HIS” in size and color
- The color of the logo is a deep brownish-red, symbolizing the blood of the Lamb, appearing to be drying (the darker brown), while retaining some life in it (not entirely brown).
*You can rent an email address for $5.00 a year, and a sub-domain for $25 a year (i.e.